We finally brought her to see the GP yest. Initially thought that the fever will subside after taking Paracetamol but the fever has been going up and down. The visit is so ex lor. $60 for consultation and medicine. Kennie stayed at Mil's place on Tues to look after her cause she's worried that her fever will go too high. Poor me. I was all alone at home.
She's feeling much better now after taking the expensive medicine. Watching show, playing facebook, pigging, eating. Btw, they have just registered for a facebook ac recently and was busying playing the games in it. I have also just activated back my ac. Had deleted it previously cause I find that it's kind of boring though it's the latest hype as I find that there's nothing much in it. Maybe I'm those type of old fashioned ppl that rely on contacting frds via phone calls/sms rather than those networking program. Will give it another chance.
Think I suffered a relapse of slip disc on Mon but it's not so serious as compared to the previous time. We are going to GC next week and I can't image if my slip disc is back to haunt me. Sigh... So much had happened this week.
Some random pic taken on Weds. Took leave to rest my back but ended going to Mil's house to look after Veona.
Our lunch. New restaurant selling Korean and Japanese food. Sucks!!!. Never tasted such horrible Korean food in my life and I really mean it.
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