Went hiking at Macritchie Treetop walk. Like previous trip, we started from Venus Drive which is much shorter as compared to the route starting from Macritchie Reservoir. The round trip from Venus Drive is approximately 8KM while the round trip from the Reservoir is about 10KM. We will definitely try the longer route the next time.
The sky was very dark when we reached and it seems like it's about to rain. We were comtemplating whether to proceed on or not as it would be very difficult to U-turn if it started to rain. The ground will be very muddy and dirty and it will be worse if there's lightning. Equipped with 2 umbrellas, we decided to press on. Heaven is on our side today as the cloud started to clear off and the hot sun came blazing on us. We have forgotten our inserts repellent and have become the brunch for the mosquitoes.
The trip to the suspension bridge was so much easier as compared to the return trip. As we were tired, it seems forever before we reached the end point.
The start point

Some Co.'s event. We have free drinks tks to them.

Overseeing Macritchie Reservoir
At 25m above the ground, the walkway gives you a closer look at the canopy, where all the action takes place

Our Brunch at Casuarina Prata. Standard for the cheese and egg prata has dropped but the plain prata is still as crispy and delicious. Our workout has gone to waste after eating such sinful bf.
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