The moment we saw her, she started talking non stop again. When she's not around, we missed her so much but she's back, we think she very fan. hehe.
After tuition, we brought them to Fajar Mac to celebrate their P6 friend's bday party. But in the end, it's not the usual bday party that we expected. They are just meeting up and going to the void deck or shoping centre to loiter around. Oh no. The making of Ah lian and Ah beng. Being the possessive type of parents, we did not allow them to join them.
Dinner with Mum and Sis's at the steamboat restaurant at Cheong Chin Nam Road. It's Uncle Huat's treat cause he striked 4D last week. The food is so so only but they have quite a lot of varieties and they have a cooked section that even have chilli crab.
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