Had lunch with Kennie. Don't really have the mood as I keep thinking of my laptop and hard disk.
Rushed down to Funan after lunch and the vendor changed the whole hard disk for me. Felt cheated cause the sales staff whom I bought the hard disk told me that the Company will be able to retrieve the data FOC if it crashed but the vendor told me it's not true and will cost around $500 for data recovery.
A**s's customer service sucks. They don't look friendly and helpful. Helped me to reformat the laptop again and reinstalled back all the software.
Visited Mum at Sis's house as I need to help Uncle Huat to troubleshoot his China Brand HP. Heard quite a lot of bad reviews on this brand though there's quite a lot of functions in the HP.
School brought Veona to Sungei Buloh for excursion and I allowed her to bring the camera. Ha. Hoping that she will spoil it and I will have an excuse to buy a SLR. No lah. Just joking.
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