The interview was a quick one and I joined Granny and Kennie for a chat at Redhill Market. Was on leave the rest of the day.
We had lunch at Raffles Place as I was craving for the soup that was sold there. Parking was super ex. $2 for every 30 mins. Serviced my car at Toh Guan Road. It was already overdue for 5k and anymore delay might cause my car to breakdown. The package which cost $226 includes the normal servicing stuff, change of spark plugs, cleaning of air con and changing of air con, and also include complimentary car wash. We stayed at their rest area watching Iron Man while waiting as the weather was really too hot for us to venture elsewhere.
Thinking of sending Veona to an After School Care as her result is getting worse and worse. There's a lot of simple things that she should know for her level but it seems like she has a hard time understanding them. So hoping that if she goes to an After School Care, there will be someone to guide her. We went to check out the After School near Mil's place. It cost $400 and they do not provide tuition service. They will just leave the kids to do their school work. sian...
Received a bad news from Agnew. He has just broke off with Jo. Sign.. things are so unpredictable. 8 years of relation and this happened.
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