Was on half day leave and met Kennie and Soo mee for lunch at Tanjong Pagar Market. Went in to JB to check out the price for the bodykit. Changed my car mat, gear knob and pedal. Ordered a transparent steering wheel that can produced different color of lightings. Returned back to Sg after a short while.

Went to Ayer Rajah STA to inspect the seal of m car plate. This is part of the requirements for the application to break the seal f the number plate.
Went back to my in law's house to pick the kids from school. Went alone to meet up with the Kia kakis at Yishun Dam as Kennie was having a headache. Quite a great turn up which include Adrian and his new gf, Oliver and wife, Agnew, Joreen, Crystal, Charles, Glen, Jeff, Max, Pearl, Don, Andrew, Rover, Ginny and many unfamiliar faces.
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