A mon without mon blue cause it's PH tmr. Our a few of us are back today as the majority of them is on leave. Boss is back to work and he's busy clearing all his backlog.
Lunch out with him at Bukit Batok. The 24 hrs coffee shop that is famous for their teochew porride. Very economy and nice.
Was on half day off in the afternoon. Wanted to wash my car but changed my mind as the weather don't look very good. My car is covered with water mark, dust, mud and bird shit. Must bring it to car glooming after I changed my BK.
Slacking at home and surfing net.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
1 of my favourite hawker centre for my Sunday breakfast. Mei Chin Food Centre between Queenstown MRT and Queensway Shopping Centre. Think this place is quite ULU and I also chanced upon this Food Centre when I was looking at the Street Directory one day. Mei Chin FC, where the hell is that? Think I will try that tomorrow and so the journey started.

This stall sell Ipoh Hor Fun with a few varities of add-on, chicken slice, duck slide, Braised mushroom, chicken feet etc. They used chicken rice chilli instead of those sambal chilli that most ipoh Hor Fun stall will use. I find that the Ipoh Hor Fun tasted beter using this type of chilli. I think the key characteristic of a great Ipoh Hor Fun is the texture of the Hor Fun itself and the Hor Fun used in this stall is really smooth and slippery. It is one of the best I have tasted. The sauce is tasty and complemented the Hor Fun well.

The business at this prawn noodle stall is very good. Actually there's nothing special about this stall, the noodle, prawn or soup. But business is still very good and I finished the last drop of the soup. I also find it very weird why this is so.
Good Feng Shui?

I have becoming a fan of You Tiao, Beancurd Drink and Beancurd. There's nothing to rave about this You Tiao Shop. Not as crispy and tasty as compared to the Rochor You Tiao. But think they add in lots of egg as the egg smell is very strong and the color of the inner part of the You Tiao is very yellowish.
On the other hand, the Beancurd is very nice. Smooth and frangrant except that they add in too much sugar syrup. Beancurd drink is also very thick and tasty. But the minus point is that the lady boss seem a bit impatient and rude. Guess business is too good already.
Nothing to talk about for the rest of the day. Went to Kennie's office as usual. Gave the kids more work to do as I think they really need a lot of practice especially on their maths . Went to Redhill to visit Grandmother in law. Went back after a while as Kennie got a very bad headache. So serious that her face turned pale.

This stall sell Ipoh Hor Fun with a few varities of add-on, chicken slice, duck slide, Braised mushroom, chicken feet etc. They used chicken rice chilli instead of those sambal chilli that most ipoh Hor Fun stall will use. I find that the Ipoh Hor Fun tasted beter using this type of chilli. I think the key characteristic of a great Ipoh Hor Fun is the texture of the Hor Fun itself and the Hor Fun used in this stall is really smooth and slippery. It is one of the best I have tasted. The sauce is tasty and complemented the Hor Fun well.

The business at this prawn noodle stall is very good. Actually there's nothing special about this stall, the noodle, prawn or soup. But business is still very good and I finished the last drop of the soup. I also find it very weird why this is so.
Good Feng Shui?

I have becoming a fan of You Tiao, Beancurd Drink and Beancurd. There's nothing to rave about this You Tiao Shop. Not as crispy and tasty as compared to the Rochor You Tiao. But think they add in lots of egg as the egg smell is very strong and the color of the inner part of the You Tiao is very yellowish.
On the other hand, the Beancurd is very nice. Smooth and frangrant except that they add in too much sugar syrup. Beancurd drink is also very thick and tasty. But the minus point is that the lady boss seem a bit impatient and rude. Guess business is too good already.
Nothing to talk about for the rest of the day. Went to Kennie's office as usual. Gave the kids more work to do as I think they really need a lot of practice especially on their maths . Went to Redhill to visit Grandmother in law. Went back after a while as Kennie got a very bad headache. So serious that her face turned pale.
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Fishball noodle shop @ AMK central beside AMK Hub.
I was disaapointed with this fishball noodle stall when I visited it again today. It's my 2nd visit to this shop, the 1st being a mth back and the food was so much better than today. The fishballs are very hard and cold, we suspect that it could be from yesterday's leftover. The texture of the mee could be better and the only plus point is that the soup is quite tasty. Normally I won't waste my food but I didn't finish the food today (so just imagine how horrible it tasted).

My 2 devils. Always making us angry. But we still love them deeply.

Kennie doing her hair treatment cause her stylist advised her to strengthen her hair before she can do rebonding. This is the 2nd treatment. The 2 devils are enjoying the hair session too.

Donut in AMK HUB. The craze in Sg now but not from this stall. Heard that people can queue as long as 3 hrs for the one at Raffles City - Donut Factory. Will definitely give it a try when I'm very free to join the queue.
Cancelled my dinner appointment because of the 2 devils. Really concerned about their school work. I think the kids nowaday are over pampered. Tuition work, school work, parents to coach them and additional homework from parents but their works are not improving. Dont think we got such treatment when we were young. No tuition, parents don't know English and no addtional homework but we can still manage our work quite well.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Went to Kent Ridge Park for run. Aunty and Rani each gave me $5 for the OPC coupon. Haha. I'm so cheapo. End up doing static exercises as it's going to rain. It started to rain heavily after we left Kent Ridge. Heng Ah,
Went to Veona's school for the meet the parents session. Thought it's a face to face session with her form teacher but it was actually a mass orgre session in the MPH. What a waste of time. Brief us about the school vision and the composite of the different exam papers Ha. We sneaked out after 15 mins.
Our life is really unpredictable. A person might be healthy and kicking this moment but dead the next. This lady just passed away just like that. From her blog below, she's still hopping that she could be successful in life and earn more money to have a better quality life. In the end, she just passed away so suddenly.
Hope the owner of this blog will not mind that I post his blog.
From her guy fred's blog:
Whole day did no studying even though my last paper in on Thursday but it's a small matter. I'm quite sure I'll still pass. But this isn't about me...it's still about May whom I call MJ meaning May Jie.
After interview at Cityneon and after tuition, we went to Singapore Casket and I stayed till it closed at midnight. Her cause of death was mainly due to overwork. Doctor said that she sat down for too long a time and a blood clot formed at her legs. When she tried to stand up, the blood actually shot to her heart, causing her to collapse. Her Mom called the ambulance immediately but even on the way there, she was informed that MJ's condition was critical, asking her to be prepared. That was when she called Pamela (MJ's best friend since don't know when), then Pamela called me to inform me and her Mom called me just a minute after that. After that, all was written in the past blog which I decide to skip here. According to her Mom, she was working non-stop for the past 8 hours with the lap top on her lap, replying emails and work related stuff, so this proves what the doctors had examined as well.
This photo which I put here was her most favorite photo of us taken together. Guess it was due to her super red hair that time that she liked it so much. Should be taken around 2years ago. How time flies...So many things are going through my head now I don't even know what I should write...Hardly do I have such a feeling and it feels just like when I was at her wake, standing by her coffin, talking randomly about everything. Hope she understands what I was talking about. We bought her all time favorite drink -- strawberry milk for her. She loves it so much that she actually has a poem for it.
Guess I'm too messed up to blog properly but now I've got to find all the photos of her and we hope to do something for her tomorrow at her wake. Hopefully a slide show or something like that. And I'm sure she'll approve of what I'm going to do now. Here's the link to her latest blog http://pinkmayflower.multiply.com/journal/item/140 because she wants to remind everyone and to pass to as many people as possible to remind them of the importance of health. Those who want to read it I'm sure she meant it for everyone since it's accessible for all. Please take good care and not work out your health just for money.
MJ... we all miss you...
Prev: In Loving Memory of a great friend -- May Leong
from her own blog:
Worked Up, Stressed Up, Crashed Down Apr 21, '07 10:08 AM
for everyone
I never know my limits til now... Getting a job was never ever easy and having something good sure have a sacrifice for something else. Coming a long line of different jobs and doing different things have got me realise just 1 thing - I could never stay too long in a job now. The longest would be in LTA for 7.5 yrs, that was my 1st job as a clerical officer. After that, it was all sorts of different jobs in different industry facing all sorts of difficulties. I came to HP started as an Admin Executive in Sep last year & changing to a Partner Support Manager in Mar just this year.
Just after getting this recent position, I was thrilled to finally have the chance to "fly high" in a Fortune 500 MNC. It's ok for me to wake at 3.30am to start work @ 4.30am everyday in the morning. But never did I realise what kind of stuff were coming towards me... What I face everyday as a partner support manager is having more than 100 emails per day (I'm not joking, they're no good ones), partners from New Zealand practically "screaming" to be served first, getting their orders delivered ASAP, wanting everything, complaining of everything. Month end was the most "exciting" part, you get to go on concalls almost everyday, prepare backlog reports for each concall session which consists of 500 over orders remaining undelivered, investigating item by item. That's just the qty. What abt the amount in $$? Millions of NZ dollars involved. I've got 6 large partners and these are what I have to handle. Besides, I've got to work at home during non-working hours including weekends, just doing my best to clear my work. Did I mention my team is really short-handed? Only 3 of us managers handling the whole of NZ. All for the sake of a salary just enough to keep myself alive for a month. I'm not earning like the other managers are cos I'm only a contract staff.
Taking over the duties of a colleague who just left on Thu made me realise that she was indeed a supergirl. The amount of workload she handled was a complete hell. I cannot imagine how she could handle all these for 1 year. She was so bloody happy to be able to quit this job. All her stress has been relieved & put on me. Well, great huh! My colleagues including me, dislike my boss. By the way, he just gave me more work to do, on top of other things! I don't know how to voice out to him that I'm so stressed up right now.
I've got myself sick these few days. Had diarrhea last Thu, hurt my knee and was limping badly since last Sunday, had breathlessness since Wed & fainted after work on that day at my office lift lobby, knocked my head against the wall when I fainted, collapsed again last night at home. Now my chest feels really tight & breathing is really tough. Getting up & walk, I just feel like I'm carrying a heavy baggage of few hundred kilos & I'll start to feel really weak & dizzy. Doc just said I'm really stressed out. sigh..... what should I do? Quit? or continue this ultra-super stressful job? I've got a contract of 6 mths to fulfill... 3 months to commit. If I quit now, I've got to pay back 1 mth's salary. Not worth it. If i quit after May, it won't be so bad. But I don't know if my health can tolerate til then. My mom's really worried & I can't do much to get less worried. Cos my focus was to earn lots of $. I really thought I was able to do everything, that I can be supergirl as well, but my health is worsening at a fast rate. Vitamin M(oney) isn't gonna cure my health. Just yesterday, I received an email from my job agency saying that a contract staff who's working in HP as well, passed away from heart attack, leaving his wife & kids... deja vu? coincidental? a warning sign? I dunno. I don't wanna end up dead for the sake of dough. The moral of the story is don't ever fall in love with your company or your job.
Went to Veona's school for the meet the parents session. Thought it's a face to face session with her form teacher but it was actually a mass orgre session in the MPH. What a waste of time. Brief us about the school vision and the composite of the different exam papers Ha. We sneaked out after 15 mins.
Our life is really unpredictable. A person might be healthy and kicking this moment but dead the next. This lady just passed away just like that. From her blog below, she's still hopping that she could be successful in life and earn more money to have a better quality life. In the end, she just passed away so suddenly.
Hope the owner of this blog will not mind that I post his blog.
From her guy fred's blog:
Whole day did no studying even though my last paper in on Thursday but it's a small matter. I'm quite sure I'll still pass. But this isn't about me...it's still about May whom I call MJ meaning May Jie.
After interview at Cityneon and after tuition, we went to Singapore Casket and I stayed till it closed at midnight. Her cause of death was mainly due to overwork. Doctor said that she sat down for too long a time and a blood clot formed at her legs. When she tried to stand up, the blood actually shot to her heart, causing her to collapse. Her Mom called the ambulance immediately but even on the way there, she was informed that MJ's condition was critical, asking her to be prepared. That was when she called Pamela (MJ's best friend since don't know when), then Pamela called me to inform me and her Mom called me just a minute after that. After that, all was written in the past blog which I decide to skip here. According to her Mom, she was working non-stop for the past 8 hours with the lap top on her lap, replying emails and work related stuff, so this proves what the doctors had examined as well.
This photo which I put here was her most favorite photo of us taken together. Guess it was due to her super red hair that time that she liked it so much. Should be taken around 2years ago. How time flies...So many things are going through my head now I don't even know what I should write...Hardly do I have such a feeling and it feels just like when I was at her wake, standing by her coffin, talking randomly about everything. Hope she understands what I was talking about. We bought her all time favorite drink -- strawberry milk for her. She loves it so much that she actually has a poem for it.
Guess I'm too messed up to blog properly but now I've got to find all the photos of her and we hope to do something for her tomorrow at her wake. Hopefully a slide show or something like that. And I'm sure she'll approve of what I'm going to do now. Here's the link to her latest blog http://pinkmayflower.multiply.com/journal/item/140 because she wants to remind everyone and to pass to as many people as possible to remind them of the importance of health. Those who want to read it I'm sure she meant it for everyone since it's accessible for all. Please take good care and not work out your health just for money.
MJ... we all miss you...
Prev: In Loving Memory of a great friend -- May Leong
from her own blog:
Worked Up, Stressed Up, Crashed Down Apr 21, '07 10:08 AM
for everyone
I never know my limits til now... Getting a job was never ever easy and having something good sure have a sacrifice for something else. Coming a long line of different jobs and doing different things have got me realise just 1 thing - I could never stay too long in a job now. The longest would be in LTA for 7.5 yrs, that was my 1st job as a clerical officer. After that, it was all sorts of different jobs in different industry facing all sorts of difficulties. I came to HP started as an Admin Executive in Sep last year & changing to a Partner Support Manager in Mar just this year.
Just after getting this recent position, I was thrilled to finally have the chance to "fly high" in a Fortune 500 MNC. It's ok for me to wake at 3.30am to start work @ 4.30am everyday in the morning. But never did I realise what kind of stuff were coming towards me... What I face everyday as a partner support manager is having more than 100 emails per day (I'm not joking, they're no good ones), partners from New Zealand practically "screaming" to be served first, getting their orders delivered ASAP, wanting everything, complaining of everything. Month end was the most "exciting" part, you get to go on concalls almost everyday, prepare backlog reports for each concall session which consists of 500 over orders remaining undelivered, investigating item by item. That's just the qty. What abt the amount in $$? Millions of NZ dollars involved. I've got 6 large partners and these are what I have to handle. Besides, I've got to work at home during non-working hours including weekends, just doing my best to clear my work. Did I mention my team is really short-handed? Only 3 of us managers handling the whole of NZ. All for the sake of a salary just enough to keep myself alive for a month. I'm not earning like the other managers are cos I'm only a contract staff.
Taking over the duties of a colleague who just left on Thu made me realise that she was indeed a supergirl. The amount of workload she handled was a complete hell. I cannot imagine how she could handle all these for 1 year. She was so bloody happy to be able to quit this job. All her stress has been relieved & put on me. Well, great huh! My colleagues including me, dislike my boss. By the way, he just gave me more work to do, on top of other things! I don't know how to voice out to him that I'm so stressed up right now.
I've got myself sick these few days. Had diarrhea last Thu, hurt my knee and was limping badly since last Sunday, had breathlessness since Wed & fainted after work on that day at my office lift lobby, knocked my head against the wall when I fainted, collapsed again last night at home. Now my chest feels really tight & breathing is really tough. Getting up & walk, I just feel like I'm carrying a heavy baggage of few hundred kilos & I'll start to feel really weak & dizzy. Doc just said I'm really stressed out. sigh..... what should I do? Quit? or continue this ultra-super stressful job? I've got a contract of 6 mths to fulfill... 3 months to commit. If I quit now, I've got to pay back 1 mth's salary. Not worth it. If i quit after May, it won't be so bad. But I don't know if my health can tolerate til then. My mom's really worried & I can't do much to get less worried. Cos my focus was to earn lots of $. I really thought I was able to do everything, that I can be supergirl as well, but my health is worsening at a fast rate. Vitamin M(oney) isn't gonna cure my health. Just yesterday, I received an email from my job agency saying that a contract staff who's working in HP as well, passed away from heart attack, leaving his wife & kids... deja vu? coincidental? a warning sign? I dunno. I don't wanna end up dead for the sake of dough. The moral of the story is don't ever fall in love with your company or your job.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Heavy rain early in the morining. Thought that I closed thw windows already but end up being a dream. In the end, Kennie was the one who closed it. haha.
Send Kennie to work and had breakfast there. Went down to depot road to collect some docments and heard from Sharon's collegues that she was warded to the hospital. SMS her and she told me that she has been discharged yesterday. She was warded due to high blood pressure and high protein in her urine. Guessed she must be very stressed up with her work. Hope it won't affect her and her baby.
Went to Chomp Pang for Lunch. Had laksa at a shop well known for their fishball noodle. Should have tried their signature dish as their laksa is just average.
Attended a briefing at Khatib. It's such a waste of time. But at least I got to go back early. Almost got into an accident with a stupid JB car. He saw an ambulance at the opposite side of the road and jammed ebreak for the ambulance to turn into the small road. It's lucky that the taxi behind me and I jammed our ebreak fast enough to avoid the accident or my poor picanto would have become a sandwitch. It's by a few itches that we banged to each other
Sigh Kennie OT again. Didnt bring the kids back as I'm worried that it might rain heavily the next morning.
Send Kennie to work and had breakfast there. Went down to depot road to collect some docments and heard from Sharon's collegues that she was warded to the hospital. SMS her and she told me that she has been discharged yesterday. She was warded due to high blood pressure and high protein in her urine. Guessed she must be very stressed up with her work. Hope it won't affect her and her baby.
Went to Chomp Pang for Lunch. Had laksa at a shop well known for their fishball noodle. Should have tried their signature dish as their laksa is just average.
Attended a briefing at Khatib. It's such a waste of time. But at least I got to go back early. Almost got into an accident with a stupid JB car. He saw an ambulance at the opposite side of the road and jammed ebreak for the ambulance to turn into the small road. It's lucky that the taxi behind me and I jammed our ebreak fast enough to avoid the accident or my poor picanto would have become a sandwitch. It's by a few itches that we banged to each other
Sigh Kennie OT again. Didnt bring the kids back as I'm worried that it might rain heavily the next morning.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Zhiyuan, he thought he's from the China Army and always imagine he's a General

Aunty Yap

Zhiyuan, Jian Hui, Xiu Xiang and Zhaoming. Not fair. How come their photo so clear?
Meeting in the morning. So boring.
Went to hilltop Restaurant for Tepanyaki with my collegues. The waitress wanted to con us to order more portion of the food and I end up arguing with her. Dare to ask if I have eaten there before. Trying to hint that she knew better then me.
We tried the venison, salmon, chicken, pork, king prawn, sotong and soft shell crab. It's the first time I tried the salmon. Quite worth it. 2 pieces for $17. It's quite nice. The soft shell crab is quite ex. $6 for 1 small crab but it's very tasty too. Realised that the free dessert is given only for dinner. The pan fired ice cream is really very nice. The ice cream is coated with corn flakes. Don't kow why the ice cream won't melt though it's exposed to high heat. Overall a bit disappointed with the food this time as we were served by the chief chef. It's not as good as the previous time I ate there.
Total damage $180+ shared by 6 pax.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Ran 10KM today. Timing 48min. damn tired after the run. Received the approval letter from LTA to break the seal. Give me less then a week to complete the job and have to go back for inspection by 7 May. Called back LTA To request for extension and almost argued with the lady in charge. Finally she agreed to extend for a few more days
Few more days without garment before boss is back from course.
Got a shock when mum called and told me that she's in NUH. Uncle Huat was admitted to hospital for suspected appendix. In the end, Doc just gave him a jab and send him back. Hope it's just a small problem and it will go off soon.
Few more days without garment before boss is back from course.
Got a shock when mum called and told me that she's in NUH. Uncle Huat was admitted to hospital for suspected appendix. In the end, Doc just gave him a jab and send him back. Hope it's just a small problem and it will go off soon.
Monday, April 23, 2007
I always start my Mon attending meeting with the big shots in my company. Boss was on cse for 3 weeks so I have to attend on his behalf. Luckily it ended quite fast today.
Went down to LTA to apply to break my OPC seal. Approval will be faxed to me tomorrow. Ordered a new no. plate which cost $30 and the wielding of the bracket cost $80. Think it's very ex, $80 for such a simple task.
Supposed to fetch Kennie from her office but changed my mind due to traffic jam. In the end, meet her at Clementi MRT instead.
Poor Justin was beaten by my mother in law for being rude. Sometime it really worries me as he's already in Sec 1 and he's still behaving like a small kid. I think I'm much more independent then him when I was his age.
Enjoying the red wine that I bought yesterday. There's really a thousand and one brand of red wine. Dont really know which is the good brand. I also dont know how to differentiate between a good or bad wine. As long as I find that it taste nice, it's good wine. haha. I like this wine but I dont know why.
Went down to LTA to apply to break my OPC seal. Approval will be faxed to me tomorrow. Ordered a new no. plate which cost $30 and the wielding of the bracket cost $80. Think it's very ex, $80 for such a simple task.
Supposed to fetch Kennie from her office but changed my mind due to traffic jam. In the end, meet her at Clementi MRT instead.
Poor Justin was beaten by my mother in law for being rude. Sometime it really worries me as he's already in Sec 1 and he's still behaving like a small kid. I think I'm much more independent then him when I was his age.
Enjoying the red wine that I bought yesterday. There's really a thousand and one brand of red wine. Dont really know which is the good brand. I also dont know how to differentiate between a good or bad wine. As long as I find that it taste nice, it's good wine. haha. I like this wine but I dont know why.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Had Kway Chap for BF at Bugis Village. It's 1 of my favourite Kway Chap.
Shopped around Sim Lim and Bugis Junction. Went to Arab street to buy crystals but couldn't find the shop. Guess the shop is closed on Sun. Went to Chinatown to buy the crystals. Ha. Didnt know that there's massage parlour there.
Chanced upon a dessert shop. Seems like it's quite a well known dessert shop. Almond paste is not above average but not as smooth as the one at Lucky Chinatown.


Newspaper Cutting. Must be quite famous

Agnew enjoyiing his Sesame paste
Fetched bao bei from Karin's house and went to Ms Teh's house for piano lesson. Raining very heavily and I thought we are going to cancel the DIY session. It's lucky tat the rain stopped after a while. Kennie helped me to paste the crystals on the area beside the aircon vent. Didnt manage to complete it.

My Rear View Mirror tks to the hard work of Kennie.

Stuffs needed to DIY

Kennie pasting the DIY carefully and patiently

Work In Progress. 3/4 done.
Shopped around Sim Lim and Bugis Junction. Went to Arab street to buy crystals but couldn't find the shop. Guess the shop is closed on Sun. Went to Chinatown to buy the crystals. Ha. Didnt know that there's massage parlour there.
Chanced upon a dessert shop. Seems like it's quite a well known dessert shop. Almond paste is not above average but not as smooth as the one at Lucky Chinatown.


Newspaper Cutting. Must be quite famous

Agnew enjoyiing his Sesame paste
Fetched bao bei from Karin's house and went to Ms Teh's house for piano lesson. Raining very heavily and I thought we are going to cancel the DIY session. It's lucky tat the rain stopped after a while. Kennie helped me to paste the crystals on the area beside the aircon vent. Didnt manage to complete it.

My Rear View Mirror tks to the hard work of Kennie.

Stuffs needed to DIY

Kennie pasting the DIY carefully and patiently

Work In Progress. 3/4 done.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Kennie cooked lunch for us. Plain porridge with can food. It's good to have plain food occasionally.
Piano lesson was changed to sun.
Met up with Muki.
Went to Autobac to buy some car accessories. I bought a car perfume and Kennie bought a small mirror to put at the VC's sit. Very vain hor.

My new car perfume. Look very classy, right.
Went to Short Street for Rochor Beancurd. I like the beancurd there as it's very smooth and very fragrant. The You Tiao is also very crispy and tasty but cost $0.80 each which is considered ex for stuff made of flour
Went to ECP Seafood Centre for Crab again. We went to Little Red House this time as we heard good review on their crab. The price is quite expensive as compared to Fisherman village. Total bill cost $175 for 6 pax and we only ordered kang kong, drunken prawn, 2 Chilli crabs and 1 butter crab. The crabs were really a great disappointment. I suspect they mixed the fresh crab with the lousy quality crab as the size of the pincer difference a lot. & 1 pincer can taste very good while another is not fresh. Don't think I will frequent this restaurant again. Overrated and overpriced food. The only plus point is that their service is very good.

Went to see the water ski again. Really wanted to try the water ski but I don't think I can find any kakis for this. Checked out the price this time and it's not really very ex. Cost around $20+ to $30+ per hour depending on whether it's day or night, weekday or weekend. Basic criteria to ski: at least 7 years old and must know how to swim. Beginners are advised not to ski during night time.

Brought the kids to Karin's house as they will be spending their night there.
Went back home and Kennie helped me to pasted the crystals on my rear and small mirror. Our initials were pasted on the rear mirror. Bling Bling. It looks so beautiful. More to come.
Piano lesson was changed to sun.
Met up with Muki.
Went to Autobac to buy some car accessories. I bought a car perfume and Kennie bought a small mirror to put at the VC's sit. Very vain hor.

My new car perfume. Look very classy, right.
Went to Short Street for Rochor Beancurd. I like the beancurd there as it's very smooth and very fragrant. The You Tiao is also very crispy and tasty but cost $0.80 each which is considered ex for stuff made of flour
Went to ECP Seafood Centre for Crab again. We went to Little Red House this time as we heard good review on their crab. The price is quite expensive as compared to Fisherman village. Total bill cost $175 for 6 pax and we only ordered kang kong, drunken prawn, 2 Chilli crabs and 1 butter crab. The crabs were really a great disappointment. I suspect they mixed the fresh crab with the lousy quality crab as the size of the pincer difference a lot. & 1 pincer can taste very good while another is not fresh. Don't think I will frequent this restaurant again. Overrated and overpriced food. The only plus point is that their service is very good.

Went to see the water ski again. Really wanted to try the water ski but I don't think I can find any kakis for this. Checked out the price this time and it's not really very ex. Cost around $20+ to $30+ per hour depending on whether it's day or night, weekday or weekend. Basic criteria to ski: at least 7 years old and must know how to swim. Beginners are advised not to ski during night time.

Went back home and Kennie helped me to pasted the crystals on my rear and small mirror. Our initials were pasted on the rear mirror. Bling Bling. It looks so beautiful. More to come.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Ran 8 km in the morning and timing is the same as Tues though I took my time to run this time and only chonging at the last round.
Was on half day leave and met Kennie and Soo mee for lunch at Tanjong Pagar Market. Went in to JB to check out the price for the bodykit. Changed my car mat, gear knob and pedal. Ordered a transparent steering wheel that can produced different color of lightings. Returned back to Sg after a short while.

Went to Ayer Rajah STA to inspect the seal of m car plate. This is part of the requirements for the application to break the seal f the number plate.
Went back to my in law's house to pick the kids from school. Went alone to meet up with the Kia kakis at Yishun Dam as Kennie was having a headache. Quite a great turn up which include Adrian and his new gf, Oliver and wife, Agnew, Joreen, Crystal, Charles, Glen, Jeff, Max, Pearl, Don, Andrew, Rover, Ginny and many unfamiliar faces.
Was on half day leave and met Kennie and Soo mee for lunch at Tanjong Pagar Market. Went in to JB to check out the price for the bodykit. Changed my car mat, gear knob and pedal. Ordered a transparent steering wheel that can produced different color of lightings. Returned back to Sg after a short while.

Went to Ayer Rajah STA to inspect the seal of m car plate. This is part of the requirements for the application to break the seal f the number plate.
Went back to my in law's house to pick the kids from school. Went alone to meet up with the Kia kakis at Yishun Dam as Kennie was having a headache. Quite a great turn up which include Adrian and his new gf, Oliver and wife, Agnew, Joreen, Crystal, Charles, Glen, Jeff, Max, Pearl, Don, Andrew, Rover, Ginny and many unfamiliar faces.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Chanced upon Felicia Chin's Blog.

She looks very pretty in uniform. It's new mediacorp tv series about the army. Bryan Wong and Rui En are also in the show.
Went to JP during lunch time to buy the OPC coupon as I'm going JB tmr afternoon. Bought a bottle of red wine.
Btw, this is one of my favourite Eurodance song. But too bad, I only have the wma format and it cannot be converted to mp3 format
She looks very pretty in uniform. It's new mediacorp tv series about the army. Bryan Wong and Rui En are also in the show.
Went to JP during lunch time to buy the OPC coupon as I'm going JB tmr afternoon. Bought a bottle of red wine.
Btw, this is one of my favourite Eurodance song. But too bad, I only have the wma format and it cannot be converted to mp3 format
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Found a new site Complains.sg. Think its in the beta version. A place to speak your heart out on the experiences you had with the products or services that you have gone through (good or bad). Singaporean love to complain. Think it will be flooded soon.
This is not my mum, mother in law, grandmother or in anyway related to me.
She's the infamous Lao Zha Bor who blog. Visit her at http://laozhabor.blogspot.com/

Siao Liao. My colleagues found my blog. I should have deleted the history before logging out.
Having headache the whole day but still bearable. Guess must be due to withdrawal effect of caffeine. Kennie is also having headache but think hers is worse than mine. It's so serious that she lost her appetite and has to drag herself home.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
At last manage to insert songs for my blog. But still cant decide which songs are more suitable for my blog. I hope my blog will look vey nice soon with nice blogskin, nice animation, nice link etc. I was browsing through others' blog to have more ideas on blog designin.
Ran 8KM today and timing is a bit slow (39 min) as I have stitch halfway through or am I getting old? :(
It's mum's bday today and coincidently it's also my lunar bday.
Ran 8KM today and timing is a bit slow (39 min) as I have stitch halfway through or am I getting old? :(
It's mum's bday today and coincidently it's also my lunar bday.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Some designs to beautify my car key

Kennie pasted the crystals on her jeans.

Had Hi Tea with Agnew, Jo, Oliver and Anthrina at Phoenix Hotel Cafe today. There's a 1 for 1 promotion for UOB card members and each couple just need to pay $23 after including all the taxes. Very worth it right? But I was rather disappointed with the ambience, setting and the food there. The spread was quite limited and it's not very fresh. They commented that the prata and the curry are bitter and it's supposed to be their signature dish. It's a lucky thing that there's a promotion as it's defintely not worth to pay the full price. Yi Fen Qian Yi Fen Huo. I would rather go back to those $30+ and above Hi tea in future. Actually wanted to give Oliver and Agnew a treat but they turned down my offer.
Went to People's Park to shop for Swaroski Crystals to do up our ride. A packet of 144 Crystals cost around $12 (afternote: Arab street is only selling around $6). Kennie bought a packet of pink crystals for her jeans while I bought the normal crystals for my ride. Still cracking my head on the design and which part of my car to stick.

Kennie pasted the crystals on her jeans.

Had Hi Tea with Agnew, Jo, Oliver and Anthrina at Phoenix Hotel Cafe today. There's a 1 for 1 promotion for UOB card members and each couple just need to pay $23 after including all the taxes. Very worth it right? But I was rather disappointed with the ambience, setting and the food there. The spread was quite limited and it's not very fresh. They commented that the prata and the curry are bitter and it's supposed to be their signature dish. It's a lucky thing that there's a promotion as it's defintely not worth to pay the full price. Yi Fen Qian Yi Fen Huo. I would rather go back to those $30+ and above Hi tea in future. Actually wanted to give Oliver and Agnew a treat but they turned down my offer.
Went to People's Park to shop for Swaroski Crystals to do up our ride. A packet of 144 Crystals cost around $12 (afternote: Arab street is only selling around $6). Kennie bought a packet of pink crystals for her jeans while I bought the normal crystals for my ride. Still cracking my head on the design and which part of my car to stick.
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cam whoring again. Oh no. I'm a guy leh. why so vain?

So sad. accidentally deleted the pic that I took with Veona. (afternote: manage to find the pic)
Go market in the morning. Had our favourite wanton mee. Business has dropped quite drastically after they shifted from the coffee shop below to the present locatiion.
Kennie cooked lunch for us. Fried rice, stream fish and pig liver soup. Though a bit bland (cause she has not cooked for very long) but it still taste nice(wife's cooking mah)
2 ah siao had to stay under the void deck while waiting for the kids to finish their piano lesson. Kennie watched her show from ipod while I watched from laptop.
Visted mum after their piano lesson. Supposed to have hi-tea with her tomorrow as it's her birthday but she's having throat infection.
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