Meet up with Agnew and Jo to have dinner and Lou Hei session. It's also a treat to him as his bday is next week. LKK already. Lau Kok Kok. Haha. We had dinner at Whampoa Food Street (Keng) Fish Head Steamboat Eating House. They are famous for their Fish Head Steamboat. Supposed to Lou Hei with Mum and Sis here but in the end Mum didn't want to go. Craving for their steamboat, I jio Agnew here for dinner.
Went Square 2 to Jalan Jalan after dinner. Send the kids to Karin's house and we went clubbing. It has been ages since we last club. Couldn't get in to Phuture for free cause they are celebrating their 13th Anniversary. Entrance fee cost $28 and it's a all white party. No wonder, majority are wearing white.
In the end, we went to Zouk. Super boring. Song sucks and the place is not even half filled. & what a letdown cause Glenn keep thinking of going back to meet his GF. In the end, we left at 12+. Couldn't drive home as I was quite tipsy. Ended sleeping in the car. Regretted this action cause I became a feast to the mosquitoes.
Had supper/breakfast at Tiong Bahru Ba Kut Teh which is located opposite Tiong Bahru Market. Not really very fantastic though it's quite famous. Maybe because we were too tired or the alcohol has affected our taste bud.