The most essential festive food in 冬至 is Tang Yuan 湯圓. There are many types of ready made Tang Yuan available at Supermarkets now and we personally felt that they tasted horrible. We are in the mood to make our own Tang Yuan this year so I woke up early to go to the market to buy the dough for making the Tang Yuan. Kennie and the kids had a fun time making their own Tang Yuan while I prepared the soup (using Brown sugar, pandan leave and ginger) for the Tang Yuan.
Went blading at ECP. Quite a good workout for us as the kids got to enjoy themselves while we jogged beside them. Could have blade longer if not for the scorching hot weather.
Lunch at 328 Katong Laksa which is located at 53 East Coast Road. The main branch is actually located 216 East Coast Road. The serving was quite generous with lots of cockles and the thickness of the gravy is just nice, not too thick or too dilute. There are actually around 3 to 5 Katong Laksa around the vicinity and frankly speaking, I'm not really sure which is the original one. Will be back for other Katong Laksa soon.
Visited Mum and brought some Tang Yuan for her. She gave me a magnetic bracelet as she couldn't wear it due to skin allergy. Let's see how effective this magnetic bracelet will be.
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