Jo and Agnew

Jo, agnew, Ray and Kennie

The Ultimate Loving couple - Kennie and Raymond

Clarence and wife

Mat and Daph

Perky and Raymond

The F4 - Agnew, Ray, Perky and Alvin

Jo and Kennie (the 2 ladies in black)
Though I’m on off today, I still woke up early in the morning to send my kids to my in law’s house. Serviced my car at C&C. Got to return back in the afternoon to collect it. Went to visit mum at sis’s house. It’s a standard practice to visit her on my bday yearly. Visited her in advance this year. Chatted with her and played with Cara and Crystal.
Met Kennie for lunch at Orchard. We had lunch at Lawry’s Rib. There’s a promotion by citibank. $48 includes 2 set meal. We will just need to top up $10 for soup of the day/Salad, coffee and dessert. We ordered a Chef’s ribeye and catch of the day for the main course and strawberry truffle and don’t know what pudding. The soup was nice and so was the ribeye. The meat was very tender and though some part of it was red, but it was cooked to the right standard. The fish was so so. As for the dessert, the strawberry was disappointing. Kennie commented that it tasted like soak cake. Yee.. The pudding was nice though it tasted funny when we first put it to our mouth.
Shopped for a while at Far East and went back home to watch TV series. Went back to C&C to collect my car and meet Agnew there. Joreen didn’t join us as she’s having another appointment with her ex colleague. Dinner at Hilltop restaurant. Dinner was good with garlic fried rice, king prawn, tou fu, pork, sotong and mushroom.
Went to Bugis to fetch Joreen and we proceeded to St James. Attendance: Agnew, Joreen, Clarence and wife, Perky, Alvin, Kennie, Mathew and Daphne. Mat rushed down to join us after I told him that it’s my bday. So touched.
Powerhouse was boring today. The songs suck. Didn’t dare to drink much as I didn’t want to spoil my bday the next day. In the end, it seems that it’s Alvin’s bday as he keeps asking people to drink. He ordered a bottle for us. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that the free champagne tasted horrible. Think Jo got Gastric due to drinking it. In the end, Agnew and Jo went back quite early. We also left quite early at around 2+.
Sigh.. Kennie got gastric pain again.
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