Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Was on MC these 2 days. Still feeling unwell. Sometime I think we are really very inconsiderate. With the widespread of H1N1 virus, people is still coughing and sneezing without covering up. I have to give up my glass of coffee cause some idiot sneezed towards my direction without covering his mouth/nose. Fully replenished after resting and slacking at home.
Mum went for a Cataract operation at NUH on Mon. She was admitted at around 12 and was discharged at 4. The Ops took around 20 mins and everything went smoothly. Was given 21 days MC and I joked that I should go for such Ops too to get the MC. She went back to NUH eye clinic for a follow-up today. Everything is fine and she would need to come back next Mon.
Time fast so fast this year. Half a year has passed.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Kennie went back office to OT while I was busy marking the homework for the kids. Was quite lazy recently so now I have a mth of homework to mark. School reopen tmr. Sian… Time to buck up and stop playing already. I must work even hard to teach them. The kids' tuition teacher really very Kiasi. They will not be able to go for tuiton for a week as Kevin’s family is just backed from Bintan. She's worried that they might have the flu and spread to the kids and then to her.
Went to Kennie's new office to recce. PSAM will be shifting to some ulu place at West Coast around end Jul/Aug. That place is so ulu that she will have to walk around 20mins to the main road. Luckily there's shuttle service from her office to Dover MRT every 30mins.
Our dinner at Lavendar Food Centre
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Was not feeling well. Kennie was also on MC on Weds and Thurs. Must be due to the BBQ steamboat and durians. Just hope it’s not swine flu. There's a great increase of Swine flu cases in Singapore. Wanted to watch transformer but as both of us are not well, we decided not to do so.
Sian though I'm on leave but I still went down to SAFRA and ALB to settle some stuff. Poor thing cause Kennie and the kids have to wait for me.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A gift from the kids. I will hook it together with my camera.
Had Bf with Mum. She will be having an Cataract Ops on 29 Jun but it might not happen cause her blood level is very low. Doc has prescibed vitamins to increase her blood level and has advised her to eat more pig liver and red meat. She would need to go for further blood test to determine if she can go for the Ops or not. Just hope it’s just lack of nutritient and not other reason.
Dinner with Dad at Xian De lai. They have included in the Korean BBQ. Business has been affected cause a new steamboat shop has just opened beside them. Went to eat durian again. Hope we will get sick after eating so much heaty food.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Kids went for piano and we went to look for Dad. He’s back from HK to settle some urgent stuff
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Kennie went back office to OT.
Went Pasar Malam to Jalan Jalan
Something new at the Pasar Malam. Kids are seated inside a balloon and they can move around the pool of water. It seems quite fun. Think Kennie and I would have tried it if there are not so many people looking at those playing.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Kennie brought the kids to other part of Suntec to shop as she didn't want the kids to disturb me. Anyway, the kids are also feeling very bored cause there’s nothing that interest them at the PC Show. Bought a Sony earphone for $7 only. What a bargain I have gotten, right? It turned out that I have either bought a chong one or it’s spoiled. @#$$%% this is call cheap things are not good and good things don't come cheap. Bought a 8GB Micro SD card for my HP and a MP5 player. Now we can watched Real player format video by connecting it to the TV.
We went to Minds Cafe. They are currently have a promotion. $8.90 per pax and it comes with 4 hours of play including free flow of drinks. Free membership, Munchies and snack with every 4 pax.
Our lunch at Minds Cafe - Roast Beef Pasta
Beef Lasagne
Cheesy Fish & Chips
Complimentary Deep Fried Calamari
Some shooting game - You got to choose who you want to click your gun at, either to kill that person or to shoot him without bullet. The winner is the one with the most money after the all the rounds. Videl cried cause she was the first one to die.
Coco Crazy - quite a fun game. The winner will need to collect all the different colours monkey
Old Maid - Player will move the no. of steps according to the card that was drawn from the next player. If you choose an old Maid, you will not be able to move. Quite a lame game.
Scoop - Each player is to throw a dice (the dice is in the form of ice cream scoop and cone). The player with the same coloured ice cream scoops as the dices and shout out "Scoop" won that round. He/she will get a banana split. The player who collects 5 banana split won the game.
Went back PC show again. Couldn’t resist the temptation. Recontract my Singtel broadband for another 2 years and get the free Acer Timeline laptop and also free MIO TV for 1 year. Think we are crazy cause we will have 4 laptops at home, meaning everyone of us will have 1. But anyway, they will only be coming to do the connection on 4 Jul 09. Also bought a 500GB WD hardisk for Kennie. Everyone is happy as we have got what we want.
Dinner at Xin Wang Taiwanese Restaurant. The food is much better as compared to Xin Wang HK Cafe. Maybe because we prefer Taiwan food to Hong Kong’s.